Great news on the TradAm site. They are now hosted by Three Aliens webhosting and the site is optimized for their software. TradAm wanted to pass along special thanks to MITCH for all his extra help beyond the call of duty!
Hopefully our Righting Our Consent readers have been taking advantage of the Traditional American Movement website which is chock full of features available for any conservative groups to use. Today however the site is down- due to the hosting company having technical issues to resolve which involves them needing to do a full systems check.
They expect the issues to be resolved soon so please keep checking if you are trying to link through!
Do You Consent? "It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." -- John Philpot Curran
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Central Planning via Republicans: H.R. 5980
If Republicans do not yet "get" that we are against the top-down, central planning style of government by now, when will they?
Just received this alert from the fine folks over at Northern Virginia 912 regarding the Republican sponsorship of H.R. 5980-
‘Bring Jobs Back to America: Strategic Manufacturing & Job Repatriation Act’.
Excuse me GOP, let's roll back government, not increase interference in the free market which our federal government was never supposed to do in the first place.
For more background on this latest bad idea from Congress please read Kenneth Vaughn's release:
Just received this alert from the fine folks over at Northern Virginia 912 regarding the Republican sponsorship of H.R. 5980-
‘Bring Jobs Back to America: Strategic Manufacturing & Job Repatriation Act’.
Excuse me GOP, let's roll back government, not increase interference in the free market which our federal government was never supposed to do in the first place.
For more background on this latest bad idea from Congress please read Kenneth Vaughn's release:
Tea Parties Reject Republican's Attempt to Expand Government
We need repeals of laws that were rushed through, unconstitutional, unaffordable, and unsustainable drains on American enterprise, not more of the same.Thursday, December 23, 2010
Freedom's Battle's
Get your up-to-date political commentary in "toons" from our friend A.F. Branco, otherwise known as Tony! You can see Tony's art in several locations, but his Facebook page called Freedom's Battle's gives you a chance to comment on the toons! These great works are also posted at the aptly named ComicallyIncorrect.com. If you want to donate to the cause you may do so there. We are glad that Tony is on our side, because he is always right on target in our book!
"Net Neutrality" |
"The Takeover" |
Monday, December 20, 2010
America's 2010 Message
Just read The Claremont Institute's, James W. Ceaser's new article,
"The Great Repudiation" and as his opening states:
Righting Our Consent reads a lot of opinions in preparation for our weekly issue of our newsletter. Much has been written about what the results of this election really meant and what it might portend for the near future's politics. This is probably the one best article, which accurately pieces it all together, from this writer's perspective.
Here are two excerpts in particular that demonstrate an accurate assessment of our views:
"The Great Repudiation"
"The Great Repudiation" and as his opening states:
"Facts speak for themselves."
Righting Our Consent reads a lot of opinions in preparation for our weekly issue of our newsletter. Much has been written about what the results of this election really meant and what it might portend for the near future's politics. This is probably the one best article, which accurately pieces it all together, from this writer's perspective.
Here are two excerpts in particular that demonstrate an accurate assessment of our views:
For many Republicans, and especially the Tea Party movement, the economic issues were linked to a deeper concern. The size of government and the extent of the federal debt represented not only a burden on future generations and a threat to American power, but also a violation of the spirit and letter of the Constitution.
There was an additional factor in this electoral outcome, then, that was hardly noted or tested in the polls. It was a cultural clash between an elite and much of the public, between liberal intellectuals and the Obama Administration on the one hand, and the Tea Party activists on the other. The one has shown disdain and the other has responded with indignation. It is impossible, then, to say that Barack Obama was not a major factor in this election, for when he was not himself the leader he became the frequent enabler of this dismissal of middle America. That Obama would have to descend from the lofty heights that he inhabited during the campaign and after his election was something that no sane observer-and no doubt Obama himself-could fail to have foreseen. But this loss of bloated charisma has never been the real problem. It has instead been his demeanor as president. Obama modeled himself on Abraham Lincoln, and it is painful in retrospect to draw the contrast in how they have behaved. One showed humility, the other arrogance; one practiced sincerity, the other hypocrisy; one made efforts at cultivating unity, the other seemed to delight at encouraging division; and one succeeded in becoming more and more a man of the people, while the other, despite his harsh populist appeals, has grown more distant.ROC--Highly recommended reading:
"The Great Repudiation"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Dear GOP Pledge Takers...
In Republicans Still Haven't Learned, NRO's Andrew McCarthy writes about the recent deal cut over the extension of the Bush era tax rates and how the GOP's recent "A Pledge to America" cannot be taken seriously. He also makes the case that in addition to agreeing to 100's of billions of new spending against their pledge, they misplayed their cards so badly that they have actually helped the chances for Obama to be holding the winning political hand in 2012.
We haven't even had a chance for the new Congress to be sworn in-- and already the GOP is showing signs they still lack the confidence they need to take any path but the one of least resistance.
America cannot afford to have wobbly kneed leadership in the opposition to blatant statism. We didn't vote for more of the same big government irresponsibility. We don't consent. Dear GOP pledge maker...here is a quote from your pledge:
The Pledge to America echoed what America has been shouting for the past two years, but if their first actions are indicative of what we will get from them now-- than we are going to have even bigger problems than before.
So please explain it to us GOP pledge makers. What's the deal? Is this going to be more of say this, do that?
We haven't even had a chance for the new Congress to be sworn in-- and already the GOP is showing signs they still lack the confidence they need to take any path but the one of least resistance.
America cannot afford to have wobbly kneed leadership in the opposition to blatant statism. We didn't vote for more of the same big government irresponsibility. We don't consent. Dear GOP pledge maker...here is a quote from your pledge:
In a self-governing society, the only bulwark against the power of the state is the consent of the governed, and regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent.
The Pledge to America echoed what America has been shouting for the past two years, but if their first actions are indicative of what we will get from them now-- than we are going to have even bigger problems than before.
So please explain it to us GOP pledge makers. What's the deal? Is this going to be more of say this, do that?
Friday, December 17, 2010
ROC Op/Ed: The "Comprehensive" Citizen
The "Comprehensive" Citizen
[republished from ROC Newsletter Issue #14]
As 2010 winds down we can look forward to the future with a tad more optimism than we did last year at this time. After all, within days of the start of the new year, we can say "goodbye and good riddance" to the 111th Congress! Along with them, we need to ditch even a hint of our cooperation on anything the Washington elite try to sell with the word "comprehensive."
First of all, it should be very apparent by now, D.C. elitists live in their own isolated world. Everyone they know is just like them. They do not know the typical American, they do not understand the typical American, and no way in hell are they going to ever listen to millions of us, unless of course that we agree with their comprehensive plans to destroy American independence and liberty. Should we feebly waste our time contemplating any opposing opinion, say from popular conservative radio personalities, we might be subjected to a presidential scolding usually reserved for errant children!
Remember how they have lectured us over and over again on how they have collected the brightest minds and best experts in order to work out all those complex problems that no ordinary Joe or Jane could possibly figure out. They just need some time to overcome the mess they inherited. Or, if the stubborn, bitter "gun and bible clingers" were actually capable of following what they are doing we would be... "thanking them."
If you have any doubts about their attitude toward the American people just take a look at what they are doing in the "lame duck" session. Without much evidence of even an iota of shame nor humility, they are using our houses to defy the message we sent them in November, and will continue their irresponsible, huge government onslaught.
If we only understood... that it is "for our own good."
In order to accept their premise that we all have mashed potato brains compared to them, the almighty ruling class, one needs to really hate facts and common sense. Unfortunately too many of our fellow citizens, and others, prefer hollow promises by these omnipotent figures, and are all too willing to ignore facts. Knowing this, and exploiting it, is what the liberals and their media are all about.
If the left and the "aisle-crossers" on the right were actually about solving problems and truly caring for people we would see real corrective solutions, not perpetually growing programs. Funny how the main problems persist despite the trillions spent, and wasted. Where are the successes?
So, "stupidly," we cannot understand that they could not possibly solve anything if they were restricted to tackling items individually. Even though adages like "first things first," or "one step at a time" have real results in the real world, in their intellectually elite, and superior world... this just won't do.
Enough already.
Yes we can, secure the border first.
Yes we can, fix the problem for the small percentage with healthcare insurance problems without blowing up our entire system with unconstitutional mandates and socialism groundwork. Most of us didn't ask for help in running our lives or ask for government promises. Most of us wish our elected and appointed to only do what the Constitution allows them to do, and not everything else they have decided to do.
As comprehending citizens, we know it does not take a NASA propulsion engineer to figure out that every time the government undertakes "comprehensive reform" of anything, the bottom will eventually fall out of it. And when it does, as in the case of the housing market, what we own or value will fall along with it. But we are too dumb to understand?
In fact, as the Tea Party movement has shown, us "know-nothings," have a rather comprehensive shared view: Almost all of what needs to be fixed in our country can be directly attributed to the previous meddling actions of our rapidly expanding, overreaching government. So we said collectively;
"Just stop."
America has always been 'the land of opportunity' because government did not impede our progress, and we have been the most productive society ever as a result. We have always been a culture of "can do and will do" people. The only thing that stands in our way of continuing this legacy is a comprehensive collection of dense ideologues concentrated as a central authority while arrogantly clinging to their demonstratively failed policies of Keynesian economics and Utopian philosophies that historically result in mass misery.
The Howard Dean's, the John Kerry's, and the Barack Obama's may think the American citizen is unsophisticated and ignorant, but we know failure when we see it. Americans are not working, our economy is not recovering, our debts and deficit is growing, spending is out of control, inflation is looming, our natural resources are being locked out, and our government is orchestrating it all. Not to mention the external threats to our existence are not being dealt with in any coherent manner.
We can still be optimistic though, we have our own brand of comprehensive reform in progress for Washington. November of 2010 was only phase one by the comprehensive citizen. November 2012 is just around the corner. In the meantime, let's get to work on some comprehensive repealing on some massively bad, not so intelligent, big government ideas.
It is Christmas. A time that traditionally, Americans recognize the true source of wisdom and guidance. A time of giving. A time for man's humility. The experts in Washington can give Americans a gift. They can end their comprehensive, lame duck defiance of the people, and head home for the holidays. We would like that.
Happy New Year!
[republished from ROC Newsletter Issue #14]
As 2010 winds down we can look forward to the future with a tad more optimism than we did last year at this time. After all, within days of the start of the new year, we can say "goodbye and good riddance" to the 111th Congress! Along with them, we need to ditch even a hint of our cooperation on anything the Washington elite try to sell with the word "comprehensive."
First of all, it should be very apparent by now, D.C. elitists live in their own isolated world. Everyone they know is just like them. They do not know the typical American, they do not understand the typical American, and no way in hell are they going to ever listen to millions of us, unless of course that we agree with their comprehensive plans to destroy American independence and liberty. Should we feebly waste our time contemplating any opposing opinion, say from popular conservative radio personalities, we might be subjected to a presidential scolding usually reserved for errant children!
Remember how they have lectured us over and over again on how they have collected the brightest minds and best experts in order to work out all those complex problems that no ordinary Joe or Jane could possibly figure out. They just need some time to overcome the mess they inherited. Or, if the stubborn, bitter "gun and bible clingers" were actually capable of following what they are doing we would be... "thanking them."
If you have any doubts about their attitude toward the American people just take a look at what they are doing in the "lame duck" session. Without much evidence of even an iota of shame nor humility, they are using our houses to defy the message we sent them in November, and will continue their irresponsible, huge government onslaught.
If we only understood... that it is "for our own good."
In order to accept their premise that we all have mashed potato brains compared to them, the almighty ruling class, one needs to really hate facts and common sense. Unfortunately too many of our fellow citizens, and others, prefer hollow promises by these omnipotent figures, and are all too willing to ignore facts. Knowing this, and exploiting it, is what the liberals and their media are all about.
If the left and the "aisle-crossers" on the right were actually about solving problems and truly caring for people we would see real corrective solutions, not perpetually growing programs. Funny how the main problems persist despite the trillions spent, and wasted. Where are the successes?
So, "stupidly," we cannot understand that they could not possibly solve anything if they were restricted to tackling items individually. Even though adages like "first things first," or "one step at a time" have real results in the real world, in their intellectually elite, and superior world... this just won't do.
Enough already.
Yes we can, secure the border first.
Yes we can, fix the problem for the small percentage with healthcare insurance problems without blowing up our entire system with unconstitutional mandates and socialism groundwork. Most of us didn't ask for help in running our lives or ask for government promises. Most of us wish our elected and appointed to only do what the Constitution allows them to do, and not everything else they have decided to do.
As comprehending citizens, we know it does not take a NASA propulsion engineer to figure out that every time the government undertakes "comprehensive reform" of anything, the bottom will eventually fall out of it. And when it does, as in the case of the housing market, what we own or value will fall along with it. But we are too dumb to understand?
In fact, as the Tea Party movement has shown, us "know-nothings," have a rather comprehensive shared view: Almost all of what needs to be fixed in our country can be directly attributed to the previous meddling actions of our rapidly expanding, overreaching government. So we said collectively;
"Just stop."
America has always been 'the land of opportunity' because government did not impede our progress, and we have been the most productive society ever as a result. We have always been a culture of "can do and will do" people. The only thing that stands in our way of continuing this legacy is a comprehensive collection of dense ideologues concentrated as a central authority while arrogantly clinging to their demonstratively failed policies of Keynesian economics and Utopian philosophies that historically result in mass misery.
The Howard Dean's, the John Kerry's, and the Barack Obama's may think the American citizen is unsophisticated and ignorant, but we know failure when we see it. Americans are not working, our economy is not recovering, our debts and deficit is growing, spending is out of control, inflation is looming, our natural resources are being locked out, and our government is orchestrating it all. Not to mention the external threats to our existence are not being dealt with in any coherent manner.
We can still be optimistic though, we have our own brand of comprehensive reform in progress for Washington. November of 2010 was only phase one by the comprehensive citizen. November 2012 is just around the corner. In the meantime, let's get to work on some comprehensive repealing on some massively bad, not so intelligent, big government ideas.
It is Christmas. A time that traditionally, Americans recognize the true source of wisdom and guidance. A time of giving. A time for man's humility. The experts in Washington can give Americans a gift. They can end their comprehensive, lame duck defiance of the people, and head home for the holidays. We would like that.
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Governor's Role
Article republished for comments from the Dec 10th Issue of ROC Newsletter
The Governor's Role
By: Claudia Roazen
As their state's Chief Executives, our Governors have a vital role to play in protecting the rights of their citizens and looking out for their State's interests first and foremost.
Like the namesake governing device installed on engines that prevents them from self-destructing due to excessive conditions, our Governors also need to put the survival of their states sovereignty first.
The Federal government has been abusing our States by imposing unfunded mandates, massive regulations, and using extortion to make Governors comply with Federal laws. In the 1970's the release of Highway Grant monies to the States was conditional on implementing the 55 mph speed limit on all state highways, and was President Jimmy Carter’s means to force compliance by the States while giving the appearance of not stepping on their rights.
http://www.lawandliberty.org/ federal.htm
The Governor's Role
By: Claudia Roazen
As their state's Chief Executives, our Governors have a vital role to play in protecting the rights of their citizens and looking out for their State's interests first and foremost.
Like the namesake governing device installed on engines that prevents them from self-destructing due to excessive conditions, our Governors also need to put the survival of their states sovereignty first.
The Federal government has been abusing our States by imposing unfunded mandates, massive regulations, and using extortion to make Governors comply with Federal laws. In the 1970's the release of Highway Grant monies to the States was conditional on implementing the 55 mph speed limit on all state highways, and was President Jimmy Carter’s means to force compliance by the States while giving the appearance of not stepping on their rights.
Governors are in the front lines. More of them need to both put their State affairs in order, and push back against an imposing federal centralization of America’s United States! The Cato Institute recently graded the Governors based on both taxes and spending. Reviewing the report one is struck by the low numbers of Governors receiving the top grade of "A," as well as the greater number at the bottom of the list who are receiving the "F" or failing grade and basically being accomplices to the Federal control takeover. Since factors such as being stymied by their state legislators are included in this report, we have a very good gauge on their actual efforts to control spending and/or allowing federal interference with the state's business. http://www.cato.org/pub_ State Governors must be fiscally responsible and set an example to Washington, D.C. to do the same. States need to stand up to federal mandates such as the Healthcare Bill and join forces to sue the Federal government on Constitutional grounds. States must resist taking grants and other federal monies that come with strings attached. States must protect their citizens as Maine’s Governor Independent Angus King (1995-2003) did when the EPA forced States to use MTBE. That gasoline additive poisoned ground water wells in the state. "Maine was the first governmental body that raised concerns about MTBE," said Richard Wiles, senior vice president of Environmental Working Group. "Maine was out front on this. They were the catalyst." http://www.ewg.org/node/15806 Americans want our Governors to be strong advocates for the rights of the people. We want our Governors to stand up to government agencies like the EPA. Maine’s Governor King was not worried by the lawsuit threat from the EPA for not complying with a destructive regulation instituted to clean the air, while poisoning people’s drinking water! King was the governor for Maine's people, not the lackey for the Federal government and its convoluted laws and regulations that too often "throw the baby out with the bathwater" under the guise of solving America’s problems. Governors should have their allegiance to the people of their State, first and foremost, while wary of Washington's plans for them. The Tea Party Movement understands that to fight Washington spending, their power grabbing and the dismantling of our Constitutional Republic, we will need our State Houses and State Governors to stand up to them. There will be 36 new Governors after November 2, 2010 and we should hope they do better on their report cards than some of their predecessors. America’s State Governors can be the "governor" too for the out-of-control power of the Federal Government. They need to put the brakes on Washington’s spending, reckless crashing of America’s economy, endless power grabbing from the individual rights of the people and the complete ignorance of the enumerated stop signs defined in the Constitution. We cannot return States Rights’ without Governors willing to fight for them. |
Monday, December 13, 2010
The People's Congressional Homeland Alert System
The People's Congressional Homeland Alert System
Green | Amber | Orange | Red |
Congress in Recess | Congress in Session | Vote Schedu led | "Compromise" reached in Congress |
Best condition! | Citizens, Beware! | Citizens, Hold On! | Bend Over Again America! |
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Just Say Christmas!
Just say "Christmas!"
Advertisers seeking our hard-earned dollars at Christmas must stop their capitulation to "political correctness", where they" jump through hoops" to avoid saying the word "Christmas", and remember that America is still a Christian nation that believes in the true meaning of Christmas.
Advertisers seeking our hard-earned dollars at Christmas must stop their capitulation to "political correctness", where they" jump through hoops" to avoid saying the word "Christmas", and remember that America is still a Christian nation that believes in the true meaning of Christmas.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Fumigate All the Rooms
Fumigate All the Rooms
By Claudia Roazen
Originally published in Dec. 3, 2010 Issue of the Righting Our Consent Newsletter
The Tea Party Movement is trying to end corruption of Washington and state politics however there is an engine to that corruption: money. Beyond the billionaire Soros funding the radicals on the left there are many big corporations backing abhorrent legislation such as the Healthcare Bill and Cap and Trade.
Lobbyists are flying under the radar of scrutiny from the American public. Exposing these companies and their support of the socialist agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama is necessary to stem infestation.
The American public is awaking to the reality that one must “follow the money.” Earmarks failed to pass through the lame duck sessions because people see and understand this represents money for Senators and Representatives to bribe for votes back home.
The major network news channels have been losing viewership for years as the public suspected bias, but now fully understands their liberal turpitude. More and more Americans are turning to the true free market of information and investigative journalism found on the internet. Many entrepreneurial, non-university indoctrinated journalists are breaking hard news stories such as the ACORN scandal to the shame of so-called professional journalists.
Americans across the country are choosing to home-school their children rather than throw them to the liberal dominated, union-backed world of public propaganda education. Parents have cause for real fear regarding the crushing of their children’s naivety when an innocent hug by a five year old boy to a female classmate causes adult educators to react by calling it “sexual harassment.” Yet this is the lunacy of the “zero tolerance” of public school policy.
Those Wall Street companies like AIG and Goldman Sachs that received TARP (Troubled Asset Relief) money along with the bailout of those such as General Motors are in disfavor with the American public. They are rightfully resented especially by those who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their nest eggs to the financial meltdown while those responsible continue to profit.
The list of corporations and unions receiving a waiver to the Healthcare Bill mandates represents the insidious nature of special interest privilege and payback for lobbyists. Americans are not shocked or surprised that unions are exempted from the Healthcare Bill that they push for and supported because it reflects the long standing cynicism Americans have about lobbyists. Where there is filth, there are many parasites, and they are nesting in all the rooms.
For those who have ever had their home invaded by pests, one knows that just stepping on the visible brazen insects caught in the spotlight (Charlie Rangel) does not cure the infestation. There may be many points of entry, and more than one nest hidden deep within the walls where your spray can’t reach. Moreover, even given the fact that insects and vermin do not have much of a brain, they still manage to outmaneuver their intelligent human adversary by explosive breeding and migration.
Washington political corruption is just as insidious and widespread as a home overrun by disease carrying creatures. They slip through the cracks undetected whenever they please, no matter what laws are passed to diminish their invasion into our “house of the people.”
Therefore, the Tea Party Movement rightfully has turned to exposing with bright lights the debauchery of corporations such as General Electric and Johnson & Johnson. These corporate political players backed the Healthcare Bill and Cap and trade. They are bugs in the wall, that reproduce in safety, insulated from the insecticide sprayed on the outside wall.
Corporations play the game of supporting legislation while gaining both exemptions from it and economic advantage over their competitors who must abide by it. They grease both political parties knowing that regardless of who holds power they will have the purse strings of influence.
Americans know that wholesale consumer boycotts do not work. They also know that listing the myriads of corporations and businesses that play the debased political pocket stuffing game is vast, and would dizzy consumers. That is why the Tea Party Movement is acting like an intelligent homeowner with a bug problem. Tent the whole house, and fumigate all the rooms.
General Electric and Johnson & Johnson might be trapped in the tented home but all those corporate critters outside will now scurry away. The treated home becomes a trap, not a haven. The polls reflect a negative view of General Motors, General Electric, and Johnson & Johnson. When consumers have a choice between products, and they view a company with negativity, they do not purchase from that company.
Can ordinary Americans still influence politics? Yes, I think the 2010 election results proved that to be true. Can Americans influence the lobbyist game in Washington? Yes, we are committed to restoring our constitutional foundation. Yes, we must rid the “people’s house” of these unwelcome invaders- board by infested board. All the putrid stink of political avarice must be disinfected to insure a sanitized “home of the brave.”
By Claudia Roazen
Originally published in Dec. 3, 2010 Issue of the Righting Our Consent Newsletter
The Tea Party Movement is trying to end corruption of Washington and state politics however there is an engine to that corruption: money. Beyond the billionaire Soros funding the radicals on the left there are many big corporations backing abhorrent legislation such as the Healthcare Bill and Cap and Trade.
Lobbyists are flying under the radar of scrutiny from the American public. Exposing these companies and their support of the socialist agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama is necessary to stem infestation.
The American public is awaking to the reality that one must “follow the money.” Earmarks failed to pass through the lame duck sessions because people see and understand this represents money for Senators and Representatives to bribe for votes back home.
The major network news channels have been losing viewership for years as the public suspected bias, but now fully understands their liberal turpitude. More and more Americans are turning to the true free market of information and investigative journalism found on the internet. Many entrepreneurial, non-university indoctrinated journalists are breaking hard news stories such as the ACORN scandal to the shame of so-called professional journalists.
Americans across the country are choosing to home-school their children rather than throw them to the liberal dominated, union-backed world of public propaganda education. Parents have cause for real fear regarding the crushing of their children’s naivety when an innocent hug by a five year old boy to a female classmate causes adult educators to react by calling it “sexual harassment.” Yet this is the lunacy of the “zero tolerance” of public school policy.
Those Wall Street companies like AIG and Goldman Sachs that received TARP (Troubled Asset Relief) money along with the bailout of those such as General Motors are in disfavor with the American public. They are rightfully resented especially by those who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their nest eggs to the financial meltdown while those responsible continue to profit.
The list of corporations and unions receiving a waiver to the Healthcare Bill mandates represents the insidious nature of special interest privilege and payback for lobbyists. Americans are not shocked or surprised that unions are exempted from the Healthcare Bill that they push for and supported because it reflects the long standing cynicism Americans have about lobbyists. Where there is filth, there are many parasites, and they are nesting in all the rooms.
For those who have ever had their home invaded by pests, one knows that just stepping on the visible brazen insects caught in the spotlight (Charlie Rangel) does not cure the infestation. There may be many points of entry, and more than one nest hidden deep within the walls where your spray can’t reach. Moreover, even given the fact that insects and vermin do not have much of a brain, they still manage to outmaneuver their intelligent human adversary by explosive breeding and migration.
Washington political corruption is just as insidious and widespread as a home overrun by disease carrying creatures. They slip through the cracks undetected whenever they please, no matter what laws are passed to diminish their invasion into our “house of the people.”
Therefore, the Tea Party Movement rightfully has turned to exposing with bright lights the debauchery of corporations such as General Electric and Johnson & Johnson. These corporate political players backed the Healthcare Bill and Cap and trade. They are bugs in the wall, that reproduce in safety, insulated from the insecticide sprayed on the outside wall.
Corporations play the game of supporting legislation while gaining both exemptions from it and economic advantage over their competitors who must abide by it. They grease both political parties knowing that regardless of who holds power they will have the purse strings of influence.
Americans know that wholesale consumer boycotts do not work. They also know that listing the myriads of corporations and businesses that play the debased political pocket stuffing game is vast, and would dizzy consumers. That is why the Tea Party Movement is acting like an intelligent homeowner with a bug problem. Tent the whole house, and fumigate all the rooms.
General Electric and Johnson & Johnson might be trapped in the tented home but all those corporate critters outside will now scurry away. The treated home becomes a trap, not a haven. The polls reflect a negative view of General Motors, General Electric, and Johnson & Johnson. When consumers have a choice between products, and they view a company with negativity, they do not purchase from that company.
Can ordinary Americans still influence politics? Yes, I think the 2010 election results proved that to be true. Can Americans influence the lobbyist game in Washington? Yes, we are committed to restoring our constitutional foundation. Yes, we must rid the “people’s house” of these unwelcome invaders- board by infested board. All the putrid stink of political avarice must be disinfected to insure a sanitized “home of the brave.”
Oregon Terrorism Reflects Vanishing American Culture
Oregon Terrorism Reflects Vanishing American Culture
Republished with permission
By: Christopher G. Adamo
On Thanksgiving weekend, a horrific “near miss” occurred in Oregon, as Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali immigrant and aspiring Islamic terrorist attempted to explode a truck bomb in the middle of a crowd that had gathered in Portland for the Christmas tree lighting ceremony. We can all rest easy however, knowing that the Department of Homeland Security is already on the case. No doubt they will soon announce plans for the installation of nude body scanners at all Christmas tree lots, along with a federal mandate that every blonde-haired, blue eyed six year old or octogenarian who discusses plans to attend tree-lightings, Christmas parades, or any other holiday festivity will henceforth be subjected to TSA style grope-searches.
This alarming event comes barely a year after Nidal Hasan, a Muslim Army Major, opened fire at Fort Hood Texas, killing thirteen and wounding dozens more as he yelled “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great). In the intervening months, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab of Nigeria, the so-called “underwear bomber,” attempted to kill the passengers and crew of Northwest Airlines flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009, followed a few months later by Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani who tried to detonate a truck bomb in Times Square on May 1, 2010. That neither Abdulmutallab nor Shahzad were able to properly ignite their bombs must be attributed to “luck” or Providence, since both clearly intended mass murder and were within a hair’s breadth of succeeding. Does anyone see a pattern here?
Fortunately, the FBI had been on this particular Mohamud’s trail in Portland for months, and apprehended him before he could cause harm to anyone. Furthermore, the covert operation thoroughly neutralized any danger he might have posed. But had his effort been successful, the loss of life could have been horrendous. Let the FBI publicly pretend that its heroic agents did not engage in any manner of “profiling” while identifying and pursuing Mohamud. To the vast majority of Americans, such an answer is perfectly acceptable, though everyone knows better and most are thankful for it.
Despite the scope of the potential disaster in Oregon, media interest has evaporated faster than if the episode had revolved around a Chinese ICBM. That yet another Muslim immigrant wanted nothing more than to slaughter hundreds, perhaps thousands of innocent Americans is apparently no big deal. And amazingly, accusations of FBI “entrapment” of Mohamud are quickly supplanting the real news story and taking center stage.
In any case, the raw perversity of this situation bears greater examination. How is it that a transplant from Somalia, which is an absolute hellhole of poverty and human misery on the southeastern coast of Africa, could end up in the veritable paradise of Corvallis Oregon, and only be consumed with hatred and murder?
The answer lies, to some degree, in the sort of people who are permitted to immigrate to America, but also in how America is presented to those entering the country.
Throughout most of its existence, America represented a doorway to opportunity and freedom through which the entire world longed to pass. Having once been appreciative of their great homeland and all that it offers, Americans were not willing to let just anyone enter their nation and partake of its blessings
Formerly an inspiring “melting pot,” the efforts of the counterculture and specifically those on the political left, have mutated things to the point that prominent and influential institutions such as the nightly news and the schools have become cauldrons where anti-western fanaticism incubates. This modern social climate evokes nothing but self-loathing on the part of the “enlightened” class. Thus, America’s many great deeds and accomplishments are subordinated to a twisted “politically correct” orthodoxy that only emphasizes the flaws. Newcomers are especially susceptible to this propaganda onslaught, and rapidly absorb it.
Mohamud fit comfortably among these. From the moment of his arrival in the United States, he should have been presented with the highest virtues of its rich history and culture. And while, slavery was indeed once part of that history (Back on Mohamud’s home continent, it is still rampant and accepted), the spiritual and moral underpinnings of the nation that ultimately rendered slavery incompatible with its concept of virtue and decency, are far more enduring and significant.
Instead of being able to objectively contrast the squalor and brutality of Somalia, Sudan, and Rwanda against the peace and prosperity of the United States, Mohamud and his kind are marinated in the constant leftist drumbeat of America’s faults, echoed and magnified by such notables as “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright and his very loyal twenty-two year parishioner Barack Obama.
Rather than seeing his new home as a blessing and a chance to make a better life for himself and the family he might one day have, Mohamud could only fester in his hatred for those around him. But should he be expected to do otherwise, when the occupant of the highest office in the land offers profuse apologies for the supposed wrongs committed throughout history by the American people, making a case that it requires “audacity” to hope for anything other than discrimination and injustice from this nation. Thus Mohamud and others who are similarly twisted can maintain the blinders of their religious background while resentment seethes and festers within them.
As the Portland situation moves into the realm of the criminal justice system, the emergence of Mohamud’s many supporters and defenders bears grim witness to the fact that he is not alone. Belief in the inherent evil of America is widespread among middle-eastern immigrants who cling to the ways of the oppressive nations from which they departed. Far worse is that among this nation’s secondary schools and universities, and even from the Oval Office, they have little chance of receiving anything but concurring poison.
If Americans ever intend for the huddled masses crossing our borders to reacquire the reverence for this nation that was held by former generations who did meld into its societal fabric and build its culture, they must begin by confronting the enemies of such things who already reside within its shores. Flag-waving Americanism needs to be loudly and unabashedly trumpeted as it once was. And any prospective immigrants who resent such a concept prove themselves wholly unfit to be here.
Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming. He has been involved in politics at the local and state level for many years. His contact information and article archives can be found at www.chrisadamo.com
Objecting to PC Narratives
Disarming the Left
Terms Meant to Mold the Public's Opinions
What's in a name?
A large segment of the population very likely understands that there is something all wrong with what passes as acceptable these days, as well as what does not. If it seems surreal to many of us to have our government sue a state for enforcing federal immigration laws, or for officials to combat racial or sexual discrimination by actually discriminating against certain other classifications of people, or for them to bend over backwards to pretend that the terrorists would not be doing what they do if it wasn't our own fault somehow.
Why is Christmas now called "winter holiday" by so many retailers and most government agencies?
The people pushing their views of what "ought to be" never cease trying to manipulate the perceptions of the public. They want the public to believe that it is government's obligation to take control and the responsibility for whatever the individual might struggle with.
We witness the deployment of "political correctness" now in every important issue. Recognizing its use as a weapon against personal liberty is necessary if we hope to retain freedom in the long term. Controlling the social language is very important for those using political correctness to achieve their agendas.
For decades there has been a slow but steady process of eroding Americans personal freedoms by the ruling class taking power from us because they believe they should have more control, and that we should have less.
Many of the social changes they have managed to implement would never have garnered enough public support had they attempted to impose them quickly. Those who believe that they can change the public perception of their ideas about the way things should be run have been very shrewd in how they accomplish this. They do it slowly, in very small steps, much in the way a ratchet works.
This is how we came to have the massive entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, and how we ended up with income tax withholding. Eventually a series of small changes are accepted by the populous as "just the way things are now." An informative read on how they do this by raising transition costs is found in Charlotte A Twight's Dependence on DC: The Rise of Federal Control Over the Lives of Ordinary Americans. Her excellent book also talks about their use of language manipulation.
Political correctness, or PC, has now evolved into a major strategic weapon seemingly with a life of its own for this ongoing process for getting the citizens to accept incremental changes that are alien to us, that are often not even constitutional, but believed to be by many people due to the influence our media and other social information outlets.
Like a massive accumulator of pressure, this tends to constantly push people toward an "acceptable belief system." So now, in America today, what is said, or even what is thought, is subjected to this pressure.
One aspect of this are the terms used by policy makers for public consumption. New phrases and terms have cropped up, seemingly out of nowhere, and have been repeated until they become popularly understood and used by most of us. But these are not mere accidental terms, these terms are out there for our consumption by design. This "framing" is even tested for effectiveness in changing peoples minds and attitudes on certain subjects. The left conducts workshops to teach others how to change the public conversation on social issues. The Marxists and progressives in particular, pride themselves in deceiving us with their invented terms. These "word plays" are an essential element for those using political correctness to help secure their agendas.
Our young people are being indoctrinated early and often through the public education system with these terminology twisting methods. The ultimate goal is to convince the young to accept the state's position, and discourage independent thought. Unfortunately the elitist of both parties have participated in this deception to achieve their own goals.
A term like "crony capitalism" for example has come to be used by even conservatives as part of our everyday vernacular. Crony capitalism is understood to be a negative and to connote that it is primarily business that is prone to cheating, not government. All corporations are demonized as potential and or actual participants with this term. "Capitalism" was most likely included in this term purposely by its inventors, though it has nothing to do with real capitalism.
Capitalism is free trade, and fair competition, but this term gives it a "guilt by association" connotation. The practice of cronyism is by definition unfair, is enabled by, and promoted by elitists in our government, and usually with a false "cover" presented to the public for justification.
We who believe in capitalism should really stop feeding their PC beast and using their term. Read this excellent blog piece - Cronyism Knows No Boundaries. The author does an excellent job making the case we are counterproductive and enabling when we are repeating these terms.
Our president practices cronyism as a statist while he notoriously lectures about "special interests" in public. Behind the scenes he constantly invites these "special interests" to come make a deal with him! The arm twisting and sweetheart deals with health care and insurance industries for his Obamacare socialism is a case in point. We mere citizens are supposed to believe he is "Mr. Protector", and those who practice cronyism are greedy capitalists, not him. The public's perception is being manipulated.
This is reality today in America. To paraphrase from Twight about the quest for "government money" -
Businesses, schools, non-profits all shamelessly scramble for their share of the government largess in grants, subsidies, subsidized loans, and market restrictions.
The misnomer term "hate crimes" is another such example of terminology by political design. It has resulted in actual law that makes it an additional crime for only certain classes of people (non-minorities) to even think about other classes of people (any minority) as they see fit. Unless their thinking conforms to the PC view, it allows for "discrimination by governments" to impose unequal justice on those it deems out of conformance, based on what they judge to be the thinking of the person in question. "Thinking crimes" or "attitude crimes" are more apt descriptions.
This is but one example of the dangerous entity that political correctness has become. Exacting legal deterrence via real punishment for non conformance to "official thinking" is every power mongers dream.
The left has also used political correctness as a shield to prevent counter attacks against them. They hide behind it, and use their positions and allies to quickly condemn or discredit those who question their social edicts upon the people as small, petty, inferior, unintelligent, racists, or selfish. They mass their "talking head" forces to attack and suppress quickly if a slight crack forms in their PC armor. The illusion that they are on the side of what is socially acceptable must be maintained.
When confronted with the mass numbers of the tea party movement these tactics were exposed, and nearly worthless because the numbers of targets were far too great to discredit everyone. This was a "wake-up call" however, as they still tried it.
With the media, the entertainment sectors, and academia, helping the left nurture their politically correct view of the world, and the shared agenda of control over the people, seems to be their highest priority. Conservatives and others fighting to preserve our free society really need to counter this harmful, opinion shaping weapon lest we lose lose our freedom to make up our own minds. Becoming more aware of the methods being used to substitute our consent for their minority opinion is an important step to maintaining a moral and responsible society.
How does the the average citizen fight against such a pervasive entity? This is a problem, because most people realize that their individual activism is no match against this formidable force. Yet our actions as individuals working together are what will stop it.
Recognition of the ways and means PC is being deployed against us may be the first part of that defense process. This is the left's weapon of choice. We cannot underestimate its power to destroy who we are. Therefore we need to stop unwittingly participating in their political correctness, and raise our awareness of the seemingly innocuous terminology and what they are trying to accomplish with its use.
We also must object, loudly and often.
There is a legal term: Acquiescence, which means acceptance or agreement by keeping quiet or by not making objections. Those who wish to increase state power (with the corresponding decline in our social power) rely on a lack of visible public objection to their plans. Pelosi/Reid/Obama's lust to quickly increase their power was a very big mistake. Trying to enact major social changes too fast, exposed them. Our collective objection, the tea party movement, was the result.
"Political correctness" is much like a bad sci-fi creation like in the movie "The Blob." It is hard to think of an analogy that fits PC better. It is meant to advance, assimilate us, and grow in order to smother our free thought, and our individuality. It relies on our passivity to advance and to homogenize us into an unthinking mass with no common sense nor will of our own. This entity was created by a few, trying to mold the opinions of the many. Enough people knowing its nature and refusing to participate in the grand charade by standing for and expressing our own beliefs, is what ultimately will starve it.
Terms Meant to Mold the Public's Opinions
Norman Thomas, the six time Socialist Party candidate for the US President said in 1944:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened...I no longer need to run as the Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform."
What's in a name?
A large segment of the population very likely understands that there is something all wrong with what passes as acceptable these days, as well as what does not. If it seems surreal to many of us to have our government sue a state for enforcing federal immigration laws, or for officials to combat racial or sexual discrimination by actually discriminating against certain other classifications of people, or for them to bend over backwards to pretend that the terrorists would not be doing what they do if it wasn't our own fault somehow.
Why is Christmas now called "winter holiday" by so many retailers and most government agencies?
The people pushing their views of what "ought to be" never cease trying to manipulate the perceptions of the public. They want the public to believe that it is government's obligation to take control and the responsibility for whatever the individual might struggle with.
We witness the deployment of "political correctness" now in every important issue. Recognizing its use as a weapon against personal liberty is necessary if we hope to retain freedom in the long term. Controlling the social language is very important for those using political correctness to achieve their agendas.
For decades there has been a slow but steady process of eroding Americans personal freedoms by the ruling class taking power from us because they believe they should have more control, and that we should have less.
Many of the social changes they have managed to implement would never have garnered enough public support had they attempted to impose them quickly. Those who believe that they can change the public perception of their ideas about the way things should be run have been very shrewd in how they accomplish this. They do it slowly, in very small steps, much in the way a ratchet works.
This is how we came to have the massive entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, and how we ended up with income tax withholding. Eventually a series of small changes are accepted by the populous as "just the way things are now." An informative read on how they do this by raising transition costs is found in Charlotte A Twight's Dependence on DC: The Rise of Federal Control Over the Lives of Ordinary Americans. Her excellent book also talks about their use of language manipulation.
Political correctness, or PC, has now evolved into a major strategic weapon seemingly with a life of its own for this ongoing process for getting the citizens to accept incremental changes that are alien to us, that are often not even constitutional, but believed to be by many people due to the influence our media and other social information outlets.
Like a massive accumulator of pressure, this tends to constantly push people toward an "acceptable belief system." So now, in America today, what is said, or even what is thought, is subjected to this pressure.
One aspect of this are the terms used by policy makers for public consumption. New phrases and terms have cropped up, seemingly out of nowhere, and have been repeated until they become popularly understood and used by most of us. But these are not mere accidental terms, these terms are out there for our consumption by design. This "framing" is even tested for effectiveness in changing peoples minds and attitudes on certain subjects. The left conducts workshops to teach others how to change the public conversation on social issues. The Marxists and progressives in particular, pride themselves in deceiving us with their invented terms. These "word plays" are an essential element for those using political correctness to help secure their agendas.
- Oh! what a tangled web we weave
- When first we practise to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott
Our young people are being indoctrinated early and often through the public education system with these terminology twisting methods. The ultimate goal is to convince the young to accept the state's position, and discourage independent thought. Unfortunately the elitist of both parties have participated in this deception to achieve their own goals.
A term like "crony capitalism" for example has come to be used by even conservatives as part of our everyday vernacular. Crony capitalism is understood to be a negative and to connote that it is primarily business that is prone to cheating, not government. All corporations are demonized as potential and or actual participants with this term. "Capitalism" was most likely included in this term purposely by its inventors, though it has nothing to do with real capitalism.
Capitalism is free trade, and fair competition, but this term gives it a "guilt by association" connotation. The practice of cronyism is by definition unfair, is enabled by, and promoted by elitists in our government, and usually with a false "cover" presented to the public for justification.
We who believe in capitalism should really stop feeding their PC beast and using their term. Read this excellent blog piece - Cronyism Knows No Boundaries. The author does an excellent job making the case we are counterproductive and enabling when we are repeating these terms.
Our president practices cronyism as a statist while he notoriously lectures about "special interests" in public. Behind the scenes he constantly invites these "special interests" to come make a deal with him! The arm twisting and sweetheart deals with health care and insurance industries for his Obamacare socialism is a case in point. We mere citizens are supposed to believe he is "Mr. Protector", and those who practice cronyism are greedy capitalists, not him. The public's perception is being manipulated.
This is reality today in America. To paraphrase from Twight about the quest for "government money" -
Businesses, schools, non-profits all shamelessly scramble for their share of the government largess in grants, subsidies, subsidized loans, and market restrictions.
The misnomer term "hate crimes" is another such example of terminology by political design. It has resulted in actual law that makes it an additional crime for only certain classes of people (non-minorities) to even think about other classes of people (any minority) as they see fit. Unless their thinking conforms to the PC view, it allows for "discrimination by governments" to impose unequal justice on those it deems out of conformance, based on what they judge to be the thinking of the person in question. "Thinking crimes" or "attitude crimes" are more apt descriptions.
This is but one example of the dangerous entity that political correctness has become. Exacting legal deterrence via real punishment for non conformance to "official thinking" is every power mongers dream.
The left has also used political correctness as a shield to prevent counter attacks against them. They hide behind it, and use their positions and allies to quickly condemn or discredit those who question their social edicts upon the people as small, petty, inferior, unintelligent, racists, or selfish. They mass their "talking head" forces to attack and suppress quickly if a slight crack forms in their PC armor. The illusion that they are on the side of what is socially acceptable must be maintained.
When confronted with the mass numbers of the tea party movement these tactics were exposed, and nearly worthless because the numbers of targets were far too great to discredit everyone. This was a "wake-up call" however, as they still tried it.
With the media, the entertainment sectors, and academia, helping the left nurture their politically correct view of the world, and the shared agenda of control over the people, seems to be their highest priority. Conservatives and others fighting to preserve our free society really need to counter this harmful, opinion shaping weapon lest we lose lose our freedom to make up our own minds. Becoming more aware of the methods being used to substitute our consent for their minority opinion is an important step to maintaining a moral and responsible society.
How does the the average citizen fight against such a pervasive entity? This is a problem, because most people realize that their individual activism is no match against this formidable force. Yet our actions as individuals working together are what will stop it.
Recognition of the ways and means PC is being deployed against us may be the first part of that defense process. This is the left's weapon of choice. We cannot underestimate its power to destroy who we are. Therefore we need to stop unwittingly participating in their political correctness, and raise our awareness of the seemingly innocuous terminology and what they are trying to accomplish with its use.
We also must object, loudly and often.
There is a legal term: Acquiescence, which means acceptance or agreement by keeping quiet or by not making objections. Those who wish to increase state power (with the corresponding decline in our social power) rely on a lack of visible public objection to their plans. Pelosi/Reid/Obama's lust to quickly increase their power was a very big mistake. Trying to enact major social changes too fast, exposed them. Our collective objection, the tea party movement, was the result.
"Political correctness" is much like a bad sci-fi creation like in the movie "The Blob." It is hard to think of an analogy that fits PC better. It is meant to advance, assimilate us, and grow in order to smother our free thought, and our individuality. It relies on our passivity to advance and to homogenize us into an unthinking mass with no common sense nor will of our own. This entity was created by a few, trying to mold the opinions of the many. Enough people knowing its nature and refusing to participate in the grand charade by standing for and expressing our own beliefs, is what ultimately will starve it.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Erasure of Christmas
Task. Watch any major sponsor of television advertisements. They want your money for their product or service. You will see a carefully crafted "Christmas" atmosphere with traditional symbols in these commercials but will be missing is any mention of the word Christmas. Holiday season or something to that effect will be used instead. The symbols used will more than likely be non religious.
The new PC compliance for one of Christians most important holiday celebrations is now treated as unmentionable. Hanukkah likewise cannot be mentioned.
Maybe the word "holiday" should be pronounced as Holy day as a way of objecting to this censuring of Christmas?
We are a Judeo-Christian nation. "Political correctness" threatens to squash our heritage, traditions, and culture.
It is almost time to buy a tree, a Christmas tree. I will not be shopping for one called a "holiday tree."
New Years is just around the corner too. I have one resolution on my list for sure. I resolve to object and not participate in the insidious game of being "politically correct." Christmas is, and has been, celebrated around the world for quite a long time and cannot just be erased. I like being an American, and I like our traditions.
Especially Christmas!
The new PC compliance for one of Christians most important holiday celebrations is now treated as unmentionable. Hanukkah likewise cannot be mentioned.
Maybe the word "holiday" should be pronounced as Holy day as a way of objecting to this censuring of Christmas?
We are a Judeo-Christian nation. "Political correctness" threatens to squash our heritage, traditions, and culture.
It is almost time to buy a tree, a Christmas tree. I will not be shopping for one called a "holiday tree."
New Years is just around the corner too. I have one resolution on my list for sure. I resolve to object and not participate in the insidious game of being "politically correct." Christmas is, and has been, celebrated around the world for quite a long time and cannot just be erased. I like being an American, and I like our traditions.
Especially Christmas!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Friends of ROC
Have you seen the work of AF Branco at ComicallyIncorrect.com ??
Three adjectives describe every toon he creates- courageous, witty, and funny!
You can also see more and comment on Tony's creations by visiting Freedom's Battle on Facebook.

Three adjectives describe every toon he creates- courageous, witty, and funny!
You can also see more and comment on Tony's creations by visiting Freedom's Battle on Facebook.
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