Friday, February 18, 2011

Staving Off the Entitlement Flu

Woe be it to the poor governor of any state that tries the new elixir being called "Fiscal Responsibility to the Taxpayers" without preparing for the ensuing pathogenic consequences!
Just when we thought that flu season was about to end for the year, an outbreak of Wi-Madison flu has struck with a wholly illogical vengeance!

Though the evidence is not official, it seems that the influenza strain is a direct result of having to swallow a bitter pill of reality. This medicine causes all sorts of side effects previously undiscovered in recent years... due to the unavailability of this prescription!

Here is just a partial list of severe symptoms and immediate reactions:
  • Widespread sickness sets in on certain select overcompensated professions
  • Shuts down all public schools, leaving the children unfed
  • The infected will mass together at non infected homes and state capitols
  • Causes aggravated, heated, angry, and uncivil rhetoric, complete with cross-hair signs and Nazi symbols
  • Causes the president to comment, and subliminally empathize with the stricken
  • Causes hostage negotiators to fly in and offer to broker a cure
  • Causes certain legislators to flee their jobs for "undisclosed" locations
  • Causes the media to use the words "undisclosed" and "unfair" repeatedly
Fiscal healers are cautioned to take the following precautions if planning to dispense this same treatment option:

  • Call out the National Guard and have them move all state owned buses to flooded areas where they cannot be used
  • Tow any new high end Mercedes or Corvettes parked about town, as they belong to the union leaders spreading the flu
  • Call the undisclosed location, and offer money to owners to house legislative refugees there until new special elections are held to replace them
  • Tell the media that someone coordinated the whole thing from Wasilla,Alaska and give them plane tickets
  • Pass out free Obama T-shirts to crowds so they know protests are over
  • Schedule and announce Lady Gaga will appear immediately in a neighboring town and there will be more T-shirts
  • Set up a training day for teachers so they will understand their pink slips
  • Tell students that they will need to make up two days for every day their teachers are out... and provide them picket signs that say "Get back to work!"
This advice meets the new Obama guidelines for preventative care, and if the kids aren't in school how the heck is Michelle going to be able to direct what they eat?

 See more of AF Branco's great toons at

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